Turkish Marbling Lesson in Istanbul

Turkish Paper marbling is a method of aqueous surface design, which can produce patterns similar to marble or other stone, hence the name. The patterns are the result of color floated on either plain water or a viscous solution known as size, and then carefully transferred to a sheet of paper (or other surfaces such as fabric). In Ebru art, you can draw flower figures that are traditional from the Ottoman period BUT the things that you can capable of using Ebru art is unlimited. All you need is your imagination.

Marbling is the art of creating colorful patterns sprinkling and brushing color pigments on a pan of oily water and then transforming this pattern to paper. The special tools of the trade are brushes of horsehair bound to straight rose twigs, a deep tray made of unknotted pinewood, natural earth pigments, cattle gall and tragacanth. It is believed to be invented in the thirteenth century Turkistan. This decorative art then spread to China, India and Persia and Anatolia. Seljuk and Ottoman calligraphers and artists used marbling to decorate books, imperial decrees, official correspondence and documents.

What is Included ;

* In Our Lessons; we can teach beginner & advanced level Professional Artists
* Traditional Ottoman Style Paper Marbling Class.
* All Equipment for Turkish Marbling – Ebru Workshop
* Workshop Area, Aprons & Gloves
* Turkish Tea & Water and a lots of FUN : )

Additional Information ;

LEARN the secrets of creating the rich patterns of handmade marble paper .
EXPERIENCE the sensuous flow of Ottoman Marble ( Ebru ).
CONTEMPORARY create design fabric marbling paper technique designs on paper, glass or on silk fabrics .
Our teachers are local Turkish Artisans and have experience in teaching.
Our Artists are Professional in Marbling – Ebru Art & Local Artisans.


Marbled paper, called ebru in Turkish, was used extensively in the binding of books and within the calligraphic panels in Turkey. The existing word ebre in Eastern Turkish, meaning variegated, points to the fact that marbling might have been known by the populations of Central Asia. Its origin might ultimately hark back to China, where a document from the T’ang dynasty (618-907) mentions a process of coloring paper on water with five hues. In the early examples from the 16th c. in the Ottoman-Turkish era, ebru appears in the battal (stone) form, namely without any manipulation. Interestingly, several variations developed in time, giving us types such as gelgit, tarakli, hatip, bülbül yuvasi, çiçekli (respectively come-and-go, combed, preacher, nightingale’s nest, flowered, etc.) An attempt has been made here to show some of its principal patterns, with samples by the master marblers of this century chosen from our collection.

Ebru technique consists of sprinkling colours containing a few drops of ox-gall on to the surface of the bath sized with kitre (gum tragacanth) in a trough. By carefully laying the paper over the bath, the floating picture on top of it is readily transferred to the paper; thus, each ebru is a one of a kind print. To obtain beautiful ebru results, one needs to have a light hand, refined taste, and an open mind to the unexpected patterns forming on the water. Patience and a good knowledge of traditional culture are characteristic of ebru masters.

After the 1550’s, booklovers in Europe prized ebru, which came to be known as ‘Turkish papers’. Many specimens in their collections and in the several album amicorum books are visible today in various museums. Also, early texts dealing with ebru, such as “Discourse on decorating paper in the Turkish manner”, published in 1664 by Athanasius Kircher in Rome, helped to disseminate the knowledge of this kind of marbling art. There is agreement amongst scholars that the so-called Turkish Papers played a colourful influence on the book arts in Europe.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hakanhacibekiroglu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hakanhacibekir/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hakanhacibekir
Whatsapp: +905337385862
E-mail : hakan_hacibekiroglu@yahoo.com ( 24/7 Online )

How to do Turkish Marbling?

Colored paste, made from flour and water (1:4) or other cold water paste and colored with watercolor or tempera paint, is spread onto paper and patterns are drawn with fingers, sticks, combs, or anything else at hand.

What is Turkish water Marbling?

Ebru is the traditional Turkish art of creating colourful patterns by sprinkling and brushing colour pigments onto a pan of oily water and then transferring the patterns to paper.

How to make Turkish Ebru?

In traditional Ebru, paint is dripped onto the surface of water and a fine brush or metal comb is used to create marbled patterns. After a pattern is created, a piece of paper is gently laid on the surface of the water. The paint adheres to the paper, creating a marbled masterpiece.

What is the Turkish term for paper Marbling?

The art of marbling on paper, or ‘ebru‘ in Turkish, is a traditional decorative form employing special methods. The word ‘ebru’ comes from the Persian word ‘ebr,’ meaning ‘cloud.

What does Ebru mean in Turkish?

Ebru is the contemporary Turkish word for what is called marbled paper in English.

What is the method of Marbling?

Paper marbling is a method of aqueous surface design, which can produce patterns similar to smooth marble or other kinds of stone. The patterns are the result of color floated on either plain water or a viscous solution known as size, and then carefully transferred to an absorbent surface, such as paper or fabric.

Can I use acrylic paint for Marbling?

Overall, you can use whatever paints you want to use, but if you haven’t done much marbling it tends to be helpful to use just one type of paint and not mix Heavy Body with Fluids and High Flow Acrylics.

Russian Language ;

Занятия по турецкому мраморированию – эбру в Стамбуле
Мы являемся художественной галереей и организуем мастер-классы по традиционному турецкому, османскому мраморированию – эбру в нашей художественной галерее в Султанахмете. Занятия длятся 2 часа с нашими местными профессиональными преподавателями из Университета изящных искусств Мимара Синана в Стамбуле.
Стоимость 2-х часового урока составляет : 47.50 USD
Бронирование по интернету или по Whatsapp +905337385862
Контакт: Хакан Хасибекироглу

German Language ;

Türkisches Marmorieren – Ebru-Kurse in Istanbul
Wir sind eine Kunstgalerie und veranstalten in unserer Kunstgalerie in Sultanahmet traditionelle türkische, osmanische Marmorier- und Ebru-Workshops. Der Unterricht dauert 2 Stunden mit unseren professionellen Lehrern von der Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul.
Die Gebühr für 2 Stunden beträgt: 47.50 USD
Buchung online oder per Whatsapp +905337385862
Ansprechpartner: Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU

Arabic Language ;

الرخامي التركي – دروس في الرخام التركي – إبرو في إسطنبول
نحن معرض للفنون وننظم ورش عمل الرخامي التركي العثماني التقليدي – إبرو في معرضنا الفني في السلطان أحمد. تستغرق الدروس ساعتين مع مدرسينا المحترفين المحليين من جامعة معمار سنان للفنون الجميلة في إسطنبول.
رسوم الدرس لمدة 2 ساعة هي: 47.50 دولار أمريكي
الحجز عبر الإنترنت أو عن طريق الواتس آب +905337385862
الاتصال : هاكان هاكان حاجيبيكيروغلو

Estonian Language ;

Türgi marmoreerimine – Ebru klassid Istanbulis
Oleme kunstigalerii ja korraldame traditsioonilisi Türgi, Ottomani marmorimise – Ebru töötubasid meie kunstigaleriis Sultanahmetis. Tunnid on 2 tundi meie kohalike professionaalsete õpetajatega Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University’st Istanbulis.
2 tunni tasu on: 47.50 USD.
Broneerimine Online või Whatsapp +905337385862.

French Language ;

Cours de marbrure turque – Ebru à Istanbul
Nous sommes une galerie d’art et organisons des ateliers de marbrure traditionnelle turque, ottomane – Ebru dans notre galerie d’art à Sultanahmet. Les leçons durent 2 heures et sont données par nos enseignants professionnels locaux de l’Université des Beaux-Arts Mimar Sinan d’Istanbul.
Le prix d’une leçon de 2 heures est de 47,50 USD.
Réservation en ligne ou par Whatsapp

Spanish Language ;

Clases de Marmoleado Turco – Ebru en Estambul
Somos una Galería de Arte y organizamos talleres de Marmoleado Tradicional Turco Otomano – Ebru en nuestra Galería de Arte en Sultanahmet. Las lecciones son de 2 horas con nuestros profesores profesionales locales de la Universidad de Bellas Artes Mimar Sinan en Estambul.
El precio de la lección de 2 horas es de : 47.50 USD
Reserva en línea o por Whatsapp +905337385862

Italian Language ;

Lezioni di marmorizzazione turca – Ebru a Istanbul
Siamo una galleria d’arte e organizziamo laboratori di marmorizzazione tradizionale turca e ottomana – Ebru nella nostra galleria d’arte a Sultanahmet. Le lezioni sono di 2 ore con i nostri insegnanti professionisti locali della Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University di Istanbul.
Il costo di 2 ore di lezione è di 47,50 USD.
Prenotazione online o tramite Whatsapp +905337385862
Contatto : Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU

Japanese Language ;

トルコマーブリング – イスタンブールでのエブル教室
2時間レッスン料金:47.50 USD
ご予約はオンラインまたはWhatsapp +905337385862 まで。

Portuguese Language ;

Aulas de marmoreio turco – Ebru em Istambul
Somos uma galeria de arte e organizamos workshops de marmoreio tradicional turco e otomano – Ebru na nossa galeria de arte em Sultanahmet. As aulas são de 2 horas com os nossos professores profissionais locais da Universidade de Belas Artes Mimar Sinan em Istambul.
O preço de 2 horas de aula é: 47.50 USD
Reservas online ou por Whatsapp +905337385862
Contacto : Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU

Greek Language ;

Τουρκικό μαρμάρισμα – Μαθήματα Ebru στην Κωνσταντινούπολη
Είμαστε μια γκαλερί τέχνης και διοργανώνουμε παραδοσιακά τουρκικά, οθωμανικά εργαστήρια μαρμάρου – Ebru στην γκαλερί τέχνης μας στο Σουλταναχμέτ. Τα μαθήματα διαρκούν 2 ώρες με τους ντόπιους επαγγελματίες δασκάλους μας από το Πανεπιστήμιο Καλών Τεχνών Mimar Sinan στην Κωνσταντινούπολη.
Το κόστος του μαθήματος των 2 ωρών είναι : 47,50 USD
Κράτηση μέσω Online ή μέσω Whatsapp +905337385862
Επικοινωνία: Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU


This decorative material has been used to cover a variety of surfaces for several centuries. It is often employed as a writing surface for calligraphy, and especially book covers and endpapers in bookbinding and stationery. Part of its appeal is that each print is a unique monoprint.

Need a break from the hustle and bustle of tourist life in Istanbul? Come take an art class with the remarkable Turkish artist Betul !

LEARN the secrets of creating the rich patterns of handmade marble paper .

EXPERIENCE the sensuous flow of Ottoman Marble ( Ebru ).

CONTEMPORARY create design fabric marbling paper technique designs on paper, glass or on silk fabrics .

Our teacher that is shown in our pictures is Ms. Betul Senguler. She gives our group classes in Sultanahmet. For private lessons we have one more teacher as well.

** If you have any interest of learning Classical Ottoman Marble, joining a workshop or ordering a special Turkish Marble Art Work from our teacheri please call us or send us an E-mail to get more information and to get a meeting..

2 Hours Turkish Marbling Workshop ( Per Person )
2 Guest
45 Euro
3-6 Guest
40 Euro
7 and More Guest
35 Euro
1 Guest
50 Euro
Lesson Includes.
  • These are private events and run upon request.
  • English Guidance and assistance service.
  • Workshop area & equipment are included.
  • 2 Hours workshop in our Studio.
  • Tours are made by Senguler Tourism – Istanbul Life ORG
    Member of TURSAB Agency Association / A Licence: 4691


Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/NzHjX2ERP1B2

Contact : Mr Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU

Whatsapp : +905337385862

E-mail: info@istanbulsahabatours.com

E-mail : hakan_hacibekiroglu@yahoo.com ( 24/7 Online )

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sahabevisits/

TripAdvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com.tr/Attraction_Review-g293974-d3735660-Reviews-Istanbul_Life_Cultural_Tours_Day_Tours_Senguler_Travel-Istanbul.html